Rockview Beach / Riviera Isles Improvement Association, Inc. (RBRI or Association) was established to manage and operate facilities owned by Rockview Beach or Riviera Isles for benefit of our residents. These community facilities include the beach, boat ramp, and a community hall which is available for community use for a modest fee.
Many years ago, the community hosted dinners, bingo games, yard sales, and other activities to raise funds necessary to maintain community facilities.
Today, these facilities receive funding from AACo as RBRI was designated as a Special Community Benefit District (SCBD). Essentially, SCBDs are special tax districts established by the County Council in legislation. Once a district is established, any change in boundaries, purpose of the district, or method of taxation in the district must also be legislated.
The Association must account for the spending of these funds and each year we are required to determine what our SCBD tax rate needs to be to produce the revenue necessary to fund maintenance and upkeep of our facilities in the following fiscal year. Essentially, RBRI property owners tax themselves to fund our community’s facilities.
Property owners, residents, and non-residents may use these facilities as set forth in these By-laws.
RBRI meets monthly as set forth below and is governed by an elected Board of Directors and four officers: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Our Community Hall is about 2200sqft and has a kitchen, male and female bathrooms, a foyer and a large hall able to host gatherings of 50 or so comfortably.
Our boat ramp is secured and features a small dock at the end. Concrete is poured sloping into the water to facilitate launching of small boats. Boats over 25’ may well be too large to use this ramp.
Sadly, our beach has eroded away. There is a bench and the area is maintained to provide easy access.