Current Community Association Projects
Flooring Replacement
The flooring in the hall typically requires annual stripping, waxing, and polishing. RBRI has not performed this maintenance in several years. It typically costs $1,200 annually. RBRI is gathering quotes for replacing the flooring with acrylic which is more durable and easier to keep clean and looking great.
Landscaping Contract
RBRI is seeking a landscaping firm to provide service for the boat launch, community beach, and community hall properties.
Duties of Officers and Directors:
President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and preserve order therein. The President shall enforce the By-laws of the Association and shall fill (pro tempore) the chair of any officer that may be absent; decide all questions of parliamentary procedure; oversee performance of officers and committees. The President shall sign any documents that may require signature for authentication; call special meetings when requested by the Board of Directors; perform such other duties as may pertain to the office of President. The President shall not vote on matters before the Association (except to elect new officers) unless members are equally divided on a question, then the President shall have the deciding vote. The President shall not make or second any motion, neither shall the President take any part whatsoever in any debate while in the chair.
Vice President: The Vice President shall be an assistant to the President and shall exercise the duties of the President in the event of the President’s incapacity, shall have such other powers and duties as delegated by the President, and shall supervise the activities of committees as appropriate.
Secretary: The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the proceedings of the Association; conduct correspondence thereof; notify the committees of their appointment; and give notice of all regular and special meetings, when requested by the Association. The Secretary shall be the focal point for all external communications, including press releases, management of web and social media presence, and maintenance of the mailing list.
Treasurer: Treasurer shall keep accurate account of all monies pertaining to the Association; shall collect all monies due the Association; and deposit same in a bank account under the Association name. The Treasurer shall pay all monies owed by the Association after being duly authorized to do so. The Treasurer shall be authorized to sign checks. The Treasurer shall prepare the Personal Property Return to the State Department of Assessments and Taxation. The Association Department ID Number is D00184200. The Treasurer shall prepare all necessary documents for financial reporting requirements related to the Special Community Benefit Districts.
Directors: The Directors serve as community representatives, project managers, and
committee chairs. In the role of community representative, Directors shall provide a voice for property owners at Board and general membership meetings. From time to time, Directors shall represent the Association as projects are planned and completed.
Would you be willing to volunteer your time to help your community? Send us an email to and let us know what you are willing to do!