Rockview Beach/Riviera Isles Community Association

September 7, 2021 Minutes

The meeting was brought to order at 7:29 pm by Allan

Officers present were Allan, Taylor, Earl and Ann

Directors present were Chuck Johnson and Doug Loup

Secretary’s Report:

Minutes from the August meeting were distributed electronically prior to the meeting and reviewed at the meeting.

Secretary’s report accepted as presented by all present.

Treasurer’s report:

The Treasurer reported…

Account balances ending August 31, 2021 were as follows: SCBD Account $9782.91 Hall Account $13199.09

Treasurer’s report was accepted by all present.

Committee reports:

Board of Directors: The Board of Directors did not meet last month

Hall Committee: There is nothing new to report.

By-Laws Committee: There is nothing new to report

Boat Ramp Committee: There are two keys remaining for the boat ramp. These may be obtained by contacting Taylor and are $50 payable by check. Taylor will have more made. She is also working on rules of etiquette and courtesy concerning the use of the boat ramp.

Ongoing Projects:

Awnings – Earl had nothing to report.

Beach and Bulkhead – Work was supposed to start two weeks ago. The homeowners adjacent to the beach asked to delay the work. Work should begin soon.

Inside Painting – October 2nd we will be painting the entrance way and the kitchen. (a neighbor has volunteered his work crew to help us with this project)

Neighborhood Canvas – We are waiting for a neighborhood roster from Nathan Volke’s office. In addition to obtaining email addresses, there will be a short survey of what our neighbors would like to see done in the community.

Outside Hall Painting – Allan secured three bids for the power washing and painting of the outside of the Community Hall. All three bids include the cost of the paint.

Certa Pro - $3294.16

Painting with Pride – Approximately $3200.00 more or less

Jim’s Custom Painting - $2100.00 ($1800.00 cash)

There was a motion made and seconded to eliminate Jim’s Custom Painting. The motion passed.

There was a motion made and seconded to accept Painting with Pride. The motion failed to pass.

There was a motion made and seconded to accept Certa Pro. The motion passed.

The grates on the windows will be permanently removed.

If you have any suggestions or opinions for the colors, let Allan know soon.

Old Business

Special Guest – Nathan Volke will be here December 7th to speak as our county councilman.

Possible topics for Mr. Volke to address are:

The Aeration system in the creek

Bringing sewage into our neighborhood

Water access points in the county

Parking of cars on Elizabeth Road along the gas station

Please email Allan if you have any other suggestions for points of discussion

Get Together – There was a motion made and seconded to have a social gathering on Sunday, October 17th from 1:00-4:00 p.m. with a budget not to exceed $500.00. The motion passed.

Sarah and Beth will host the community Fall get together. If you would like to help with planning, set up, participation or clean up, please let Sarah or Beth know.

Web Site – Sarah has the community web site up and running. Sarah encouraged everyone to check it out and explore the pages on the website. She is also looking to link local businesses through the site.

New Business

Political Candidates – Allan has had several political candidates approach him about speaking at our community meetings.

There was a motion made and seconded to not have any political candidates speak at our meetings. The motion passed.

There was a discussion of possibly having an event that would focus on local candidates at a time separate from our meetings.

Other Happenings

Welcome to our new neighbor Thomas Fontz and his family.

There was a house fire in Rock Hill across the creek. The family and their in-home day care were both displaced. Sarah and Taylor will reach out to see what they need and how we can help.

Adjourn – There was a motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:45. The motion passed unanimously.

The next meeting will be October 5, 2021.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Zimmerman

Secretary RB/RI Community Association