Rockview Beach/Riviera Isles Community Association

December 7, 2021


The meeting was brought to order at 7:30 pm by Allan

Officers present were Allan, Taylor, Earl and Ann

Directors present were Chuck Johnson, Doug Loup and Minnie Bush

Mike and Naquelle were not present.

There were 11 community members present

Guest Speaker: Nathan Volke, our District 3 County Councilman was our guest speaker for the evening.

Mr. Volke addressed the Pasadena Boat Yard request for rezoning and the impact on the local communities, redistricting of the county, future county development, neglected properties, vehicle expired or missing tags and possible storm water control at the water’s edge of Isle Drive.

Any neglected properties should be reported to Mr. Volke’s office. They will call the Health Department on our behalf.

Expired tags should be reported to Corporal Bellis at the Eastern District Police Department. Missing tags should be reported to the county’s zoning department.

Secretary’s Report:

Minutes from the October meeting were distributed electronically prior to the meeting and reviewed at the meeting.

A motion was made and seconded to accept the Secretary’s report as presented. The motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer reported…

Account balances ending November 30, 2021, were as follows: SCBD Account $7,528.87 Hall Account $6,494.17

A motion was made and seconded to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. The motion passed.

Due to time limitations resulting from Councilman Volke’s presentation, we skipped all committee reports for December.

New Business

SCBD Budget discussion for Fiscal Year 2023

Earl informed everyone that the SCBD budget is due to the county by the end of December in keeping with the By-laws, the new budget would only increase by 1.5% which would be $181.00. This would leave RB/RI with a shortfall of $664.00 based on the 2020 fiscal year figures. Going forward with this amount would leave RB/RI underfunded in the future to the point of bankruptcy.

There were three options presented to residents:

Option 1 Stay with the 1.5% amount stipulated in the By-laws.

Option 2 Increase the budget by about 7% which would add an additional $845 to the bottom line and identify a volunteer coordinator who would manage maintenance projects using community volunteers.

Option 3 Increase the budget by 100%

There was a motion made and seconded to deviate this year from the By-Law restriction of a 1.5% increase. The motion passed unanimously.

There was a motion made and seconded to increase the SCBD amount to $116.00 for each tax bill in RB/RI. There was an addendum to the motion to add a volunteer coordinator. (The original maker of the motion approved the addendum). The motion passed with one opposed.

Committee reports: Committee reports were tabled until January to allow time to discuss the budget.

Get Together – There will be a social gathering on Sunday, December 19th from 5:00-7:00 p.m.

Adjourn – There was a motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:00. The motion passed unanimously.

The next meeting will be January 4, 2022.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Zimmerman

Secretary RB/RI Community Association